Welly is a diecast model maker who is very well known within the budget collectors. Their “NEX” brand caters to a slightly higher end bracket and the “GT Autos” is it’s top of the line in their lineup. This Audi R8 for model year 2016 comes with some sleek details and sharp edgy highlights. Maisto has promised a 2016 Audi R8 V10 earlier but Welly Diecast took the initial plunge and released recently making them the first to hit the budget friendly diecast market.
- This Audi R8 2016 comes with details like opening doors, sleek shutline and fully rolled up front doors! The side panel are finished in aluminium shades.
Being a NEX variant mean more details and better interior details! And this model look like it is fully loaded and ready to take on the like of the Maisto. Being the first in the market also get this Audi R8 some novelty value as well so we could expect other manufacturers to keep this as a benchmark and work on, which is a very good thing. As of now it is available in a shade of red and yellow but a blue would be much appreciated.
- Now available artcraftmodel.com at 34,95€(yellow/red) looks like a sweet deal to me! Whats more interesting is that it’s pricing is almost in the same ball park as Maisto. Let us know your thoughts on this Audi R8 2016. Ciao!
Note: The links mentioned here are for reference purpose only and are not recommendations. xDiecast holds no responsibility for any losses if incurred.
Source/Pics: www.caricos.com, www.artcraftmodel.com, www.artcraftmodel.com