Concept car some car that only live in our dreams and they are for your eyes only! If you are super lucky(super rich as well) then you may own one of two of these that may cost as much as a small country! For the rest of us a accurate/authentic diecast scale model is our best bet! I got luck this year and managed to get this Ford GT90 concept car in 1:18 scale! The model is made by Maisto and is a sort of phased out model, so find one in this condition is really rare! I got this in Kobhar, Saudi Arabia around February this year in a local hobby store, it is a cool store who had diecast models, tamiya kits, r/c car/boats/planes and spares but because of the no photo policy I could not take any pics!
- Coming back to the model itself, the model comes in a traditional Maisto box… Being a special edition model it comes with some bright blue graphics and huge monogram that shouts “Special Edition” on all sides, which I kind of love and hate! The model being a little old was kind of in a beaten state but the Ford GT90 model was in mint condition never the less!
- Just like any other Maisto Unboxing is pretty straight forward, you undo two screws and the model is out, just like that!
Once out this Ford GT90 gets all sorts of compliments starting from the paint job, optics, interior treatments and the color. I personally love the front optics and the decal work! I kind of dint love the rear optics and the side indicator that are some cheap sticker that too in yellow! Pegging this Maisto Fordt GT90 up against AUTOart Ford GT is like comparing chilly to cherries, which is totally unfair but I wanted to do a size comparison so did it! To my surprise I loved the GT90 bit more than the AA GT don’t know why, maybe that is the thing with concept model’s effect. The size, stance and most importantly the ride height is on par with the AUTOart GT.
Most concept car are timeless! Thanks to its futuristic styling, weird material for construction and out of the box electronics! In comparison the GT90 blows the GT out of water in styling department alone! If AUTOart of other premium brands to make this GT90 it would sell like hotcakes even today!!
- This Ford GT90 for sure would have been a huge hit when showcased! I being a car nuts, love this car more than the Ford GT and even more than the newest in GT family the Ford GT 2017! That’s the effect that this budget model produces on you! Being a budget model it comes with some sacrifices, the door gaps are little too much specially around the door hinges, the rear optics are hopeless(but most models released that have the same old problem, even some model now have this issue.), interiors are ok. But all those defects will disappear when you consider the price(SAR.180/-) point it is positioned! It is definitely for starter or for some one who is price conscious, but it can work magic in some premium collections as well because no other scale model maker makes this beautiful Ford GT90 in 1:18 so the novelty value is there too. Wait for my full review, which may blow your minds and make you add this beauty to your collection even if you are into high-end model like the AUTOart, BBR etc. Or who knows this model is all show and no go kind from the Maisto’s staple! Till then Chaio.
A fantastic model. I love this car and took it to the next level by improving on all details. Was a lot of work, but I am very pleased with it. Now can pass the test sitting besides my AutoArt Ford GT. Here’s a video of my reworked GT90: