The Land Rover Defenders are the world’s most recognizable four-wheel drive vehicles that most collector wanted to have in their collection. For so long UNIVERSAL HOBBIES made Landis are the only 1:18 version though there are some 1:24 from Maisto. Finally the time had come to serious collector who miss this landi to add this into their collection portfolio. Few months back we broke the scoop of Kyosho Launching a Defender 90 in 1:18 and its time for Century Dragon Models to unveil its Defender 110(Defender Wagon) in 1:18. Century Dargon being a fairly new manufacturer hitting big with this beautiful Land Rover Defender 110.
This Land Rover Defender 110 sports some serious details! The paint scheme seems fantastic, the plastic parts look gorgeous starting from the grill to the license plate illumination pod. I kind of like the rear view mirror finish for its detailing. The mud flaps for the front and rear adds that much needed punch. The decals are all cool but the I am kind of disappointed with the big “DEFENDER” badge in the hood because in real defender(and most other Land Rovers) the hood holds the “LAND ROVER”!
The minituate details are all done with precision! As published in their website this Land Rover seem to have 230 parts. The Optical works so well with the paint works and they all seem accurate!
- The under body details are top class! My personal favorite is the hood stay rod and the soft seat finish.
- Available in Firenze Red Metallic, Santorini Black and Orkney Grey Metallic colors and all them are released in both left hand and right hand drive versions. Available in both RHD and LHD in all three colors I kind of inclined towards the gray as the smaller details are kind of poping up in this color more than any other. All of them are identically priced at USD199 and it comes in a brown box with Styrofoam inner case. As it is one of the most sorted model it is kind of going to sell off real quick so order now from the official shop or regret for missing this legendary Landi in your collection!
These model are selling like hot cakes but the good news is they are not manufactured in limited numbers so can for sure get one!
For anybody in Asia try this link the price is USD 185
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