The Land Rover was created by brothers Maurice and Spencer Wilks. Inspired by the wartime Willys jeep, the story behind this diecast model is also the same! When AUTOart announced Willys jeep Minichamps unveiled this beauty! Seems like Minichamps is take the competition seriously, which is quite clear with this model…
The preproduction sample pics are doing round in the cyber space and as per the pics I could say it is a very decent model… and at £99.99 for preorder (click here to preorder from diecastlegends) it is a steal!!.
Whats so exiting about this model (apart from the model itself) is the details that Minichamps have done…. like the removable bonnet and the camper top.
Note: The site urls for buying/preorder are shown just for your reference not recommendation. We are not responsible for loss if so ever.
this is nice car , how much it is?
As per Diecastlegends its £99.99!